The initial view shows a graphical representation of a default spec file.
The information related to the selected node in the three level
(product.image.subsystem) hierarchy appears on the right.
Alter the PPPPrrrroooodddduuuucccctttt NNNNaaaammmmeeee and DDDDeeeessssccccrrrriiiippppttttiiiioooonnnn fields and press the AAAAppppppppllllyyyy arrow
button to assign this information to the product node, which is selected
initially. The Description field is what users of inst see when your
product is presented for installation by inst. To select another node,
click on it with the left mouse button.
The AAAAdddddddd pushbutton can be pressed to add a child to the currently
selected node. If your on a first level (product) node, pressing Add
will create a new second level (image) node. Similiarly, if an image
node is selected, when you press the the Add pushbutton you create a new
third level (subsystem) node. To add another product, click on the root
(the area around the nodes), and then press the Add pushbutton.
The DDDDeeeelllleeeetttteeee pushbutton will remove the subtree rooted at the selected
node. So, for example, if there are no release notes for your product,
you should click the left mouse button on the "relnotes" node, and press
When a new Source Root value is accepted, if the source and destination
pathnames matched beforehand, the destination pathname is changed to
reflect the new root too. So if you edited any destination pathnames
prior to changing the source root, these will not be altered by the
Text fields for MMMMooooddddeeee,,,, OOOOwwwwnnnneeeerrrr,,,, GGGGrrrroooouuuupppp,,,, DDDDeeeessssttttiiiinnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnn DDDDiiiirrrreeeeccccttttoooorrrryyyy,,,, and
DDDDeeeessssttttiiiinnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnn FFFFiiiilllleeeennnnaaaammmmeeee appear on the left, while the same fields of the
current Idb file entries are visible on the right.
To edit, enter a value in one or more of the text fields, select the
entries you want to affect in the Idb list, and press the AAAAssssssssiiiiggggnnnn arrow
button to initiate the change.
Double clicking on an Idb file list item will load its values into the
text fields. This is convenient when your changing a single entry